Product Management Coaching

I’ve been “silently” providing product management coaching for years both on the job and on the side. On the job, I coach my junior peers and PMs I hired on my team. On the side, I coach those who reached out, have clear goals in mind, and are driven and passionate to reach them.

I love doing it. Because my professional and personal passions align: to help and empower people with my experience and what I’m good at. Now I want to make myself and my services available to more of you.

Product Management Coaching Services

Main Areas:

  1. “Land That Dream Product Job”:
    • Resume Review
    • Application Strategy/Tactics
    • Product Interviews Prep / Mock Interviews
    • Offer Negotiations
  2. Product Career Growth:
    • Product Skills End to End
    • Career Planning and Strategy
    • Career Effectiveness and Happiness

I offer them in both Live 1:1 Coaching Sessions and Offline/Async Coaching. Reach out to johnny@introverinproduct for details and scheduling.

Why Me?

Let’s get this straight: I’m NOT the most accomplished PM. The thing is, when it comes to coaching, you do NOT need the most accomplished PM. You need the most helpful ones. Depending on your background and where you are, I might be the most helpful. Why?

Not because my path was easy. Because my path was hard. I worked with numerous disadvantages from my background to, my introversion, to even my languages. I went through trial and errors before successfully transitioning into product, and then more trial and errors to grow to where I am. From a non-PM only dreaming about it, to a Product Lead across several top paying, fun major tech companies. From no-one-look-at-my-resume to 10+ recruiter pings (from top tech firms) per week. From failing even the recruiter calls to repeatedly getting almost any offer I wanted. From begging for any sparse guidance in the early days, to now constantly coach up-and-comers with structured guidance I developed based on common challenges I saw over the years.

The most helpful coach should be who deeply experienced your challenges, successfully overcame them, and know how to explain to you. I think I know how to help you. Email me at johnny@introverinproduct.

About Me

See About page, and visit my blog for advices on various product management topics. Also my Linkedin and Twitter profiles.